
Could you test my engine please

Started by July 03, 2003 04:02 PM
22 comments, last by Lukerd 21 years, 8 months ago
Hey Everyone, could you guys please test my engine. If i'm lucky it might become my 2nd finished game. (The last one was a breakout clone) I'm really pleased with this I usually give up after about a week. Just let me know if it runs and what FPS on what hardware. I know there are some bugs and it needs LOADS of optimising. And before anyone says anything I know it rains indoors Heres the link and heres some screenshots: Thanks alot! Lukerd. P.S If you hold space you get bullet time.. i mean slow motion. Oh and sorry shoulda said the models are from polycount so credit to whoever made them. Hyperdev
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Missing SDL.dll


[edited by - Lukerd on July 3, 2003 5:19:03 PM]
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Not that this helps much, but on this old P3-600, with a Voodoo3, it gets around 4 fps
The main thing that seems to be lagging it down for me is that transparent fire around the player, though.. wireframe pretty much eliminates everything except for that, and gets almost the same FPS.

Open Lightlist.txt and change the 2 to 0 that turns off the dynamic lights should speed it up loads.

If its still slow open enemylist.txt and change the 10 to 9 to turn off the rain. if its still slow change the 10 to a 7 to turn off the fires as well.

[edited by - Lukerd on July 3, 2003 5:30:27 PM]
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Hmm, that did a little maybe, but running fullscreen got me up to around 20, as opposed to 4-5 in a window. Same effect with my sort of mmorpg-ish engine I''m working on.. windowed gets around 30-40, fullscreen gets well over 100. Must be this voodoo.


60+ FPS


AMD Athlon 1600+
512mb mem
LeadTek GeForge TI4400, 128MB memory
Windows XP
DirectX 9.0a, SDK(release)

Looks nice Keep up the good work!
Slurcko Durcko Duck!
On my p3 507 (overclocked) with a gforce mx2 and 128 megs ram i get anywhere between 14 and 28 fps. It actually goes down in wireframe though... And you''ve got some monsters in some pretty odd places doing some pretty odd things. (funny watching one demon jump on anothers head...)
anyone tried the bullet time yet? Did it work?



"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Great work!
Constantly over 110 Fps here (800*600*32, AMd XP 2400+ overclocked and radeon 9700 pro)
Zoom is a wonderfull addition

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