
i need a little bit on JAVA

Started by July 03, 2003 02:04 PM
14 comments, last by spetnaz_ 21 years, 8 months ago
sorry, this is not really to do with OpenGL or C++, but i downloaded Java Book from and well it just dives into programming in Java, but it does not talk about what compilers you need and where to get them. do u guys know where i could get a free compiler, i looked on the Sun web site but there stuff is not free. can some one please point in the right direction. i had a quick look through the book at it basicly C++ with out pointers, try it, its not too bad. and it is free!
are you gonna use java and openGL? if u are, plz tell me how it works out for ya.

(my teachers want me to do a project next year, using openGL and sockets to create a 3D interface for a multimedia webbroadcasting system. Originally they wanted me to do it using java, but i wanted to do it in c++, since I thought it would be way harder in java)
well i looked through the java books at and i havent seen any OpenGL, but i havent looked at all the java books there. I would still recommend doing any real time rendering stuff like DX or GL in C++ or C as they are wwwaaayyy faster, plus they have pointers and references (dont know about C but c++ deffinetly).

I recommend u look at fully and visit a good java forum, as i am only going to fool around with Java, not develop proper applications, i leave that to Visual C++.

SORRY, try it, its not too bad.
Lets not start another Java vs C++ flame thread.

Basically it''s up to you on what you want to use. Some people say it''s slow, some say that the speed decrease is bearable with today''s fast processors.

Try out a simple application and see how much slower it really is and make your decision, some people dislike even a little slowdown and would prefer c++ over java.

As for the topic,the java sdk is free but it''s console based(It was when i used it), meaning you have to use command prompt to compile and run your programs.

But Borland has release JBuilder Personal edition for free and i highly reccommend it if you are using java. It has alot of features and does alot of syntax error checking in realtime even b4 you compile your code and this can be a real timesaver.

In my opinion it is a slightly better compiler than VC++ because of all it''s wonderful features, though i prefer to program in c++.
im not flaming java (what did i miss btw? :D ) but im just curious
I don''t know if JBuilder Personal is free, but there are some other good IDEs out there. I use RealJ, which is free and works great, though I''m sure it''s not as fully featured as JBuilder.

so what is the point of Java, it has practicly the same syntax as C++, but it is slower so why? I know that it is slightly more OOP, but so what, you can have OOP with any high level language, VB, C++, Delphi, Java...

[edited by - spetnaz_ on July 5, 2003 2:07:38 PM], try it, its not too bad.
Original post by spetnaz_
so what is the point of Java, it has practicly the same syntax as C++, but it is slower so why? I know that it is slightly more OOP, but so what, you can have OOP with any high level language, VB, C++, Delphi, Java...

Please refrain from commenting on issues you clearly don''t know anything about. That is how flamewars start.

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enlighten me, as i asked, if u think i dont know anything about the issue why dont u just explain to me what i dont understand. and what is a flamewar?, try it, its not too bad.

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