A found a stl vector bug...
Here`s the bug`s code :
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef struct DATA{
int *Val;
float first;
double second;
DATA()//Data constructor
Val=new int;//We allocate it as a single int
vector X;//Declare the stl vector
void main()
X.push_back(NewDATA);//Push Back 2 units
int A=X[0].Val[0];//A should be 5 right ?
int B=X[1].Val[0];
cout<<"A Value :"<<A<<endl;//Watch the vlue of them vars
cout<<"B Value :"<<B<<endl;
So obviosly this works with a non-stl vector ...
Have you ever stumbled upon something like this ?
Should I report it anywhere else ? (hehe,like Microsoft)
Relative Games - My apps
That''s not a bug. If you read the documentation, you''ll see that STL containers make use of their datatype''s copy constructor, which you haven''t implemented. In other words, it''s not an STL vector bug, it''s a you bug.
Read up on "deep copy" vs. "shallow copy" for details.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Read up on "deep copy" vs. "shallow copy" for details.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Hmm... vectors are templates, and you should declare you vector as vector var;. It could just be screwed up because it may be using memory addresses instead of data.
Legends Development Team
Legends Development Team
Legends Development Team
In other words, it''s not an STL vector bug, it''s a you bug.
Nice. I might have to use that from now on

July 01, 2003 01:39 AM
Yeah, it''s you bug.
This allocates new int and you push this twice to X. Both has same pointer to Val.
This allocates new int and you push this twice to X. Both has same pointer to Val.
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