New tech demo of my engine
Several months ago I posted here a tech demo from my engine - Legendary Engine. After a lot of work, I''m happy to announce the release of a new tech demo from my engine. It is now used in a game I develop called Frozen Legend Beneath(more information about the game here: The engine currently has the following features:
1. 6DOF Engine
2. Mouse look
3. Billinear/Trillinear Filtering
4. Transparent and semi-transparent textures allowing for see-through water surfaces and windows
5. Automatic generated mip-maps
6. Render-to-texture
7. Multi-Texturing
8. Detail Textures
9. Projective Textures which allows soft shadows and many other features
10. Sky boxes
11. Texture Compression(S3TC)
12. Cubemaps
13. Sprites/Dynamic Textures
14. Dynamic skydome with time-based colors
15. Dynamic sun
16. Vertex Lighting
17. Terrain engine
18. Mirrors
19. Support for Quake 2, Milkshape and 3D Studio Max models
20. Billboards
21. Linear/Exponential Fog
22. Volumetric fog
23. Frustum Culling
24. Game Console
25. Environment mapping
26. Particle system
27. Collision Detection
28. Key-frames animation system
29. Vertex and Pixel Shaders support
30. Real-Time Stencil Shadows for static meshes(shadowed animated meshes will be added in the future) – like in Doom 3
31. Per Vertex Lighting
32. Per Pixel Lighting
33. Bumpmapping
I''d be happy if you could test the new tech demo. You may download it from here:
Instructions.txt is not written in English unfortunately, so it''s not possible to read it.
Please, before playing with the tech demo - update your video cards drivers. It solves many problem and improves FPS(the new drivers support the VBO extension).
Whee! I''m good at climbing mountains 
Anyway, runs nice @ my PC, although it complains it can''t use GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object. Could be. I''ve got an old GF2mx, and nog updated my drivers for a month or so. I''ve got about 15 FPS all the time.
Relevant specs :
Celeron 950Mhz,
GF2MX 200, 32MB
WinXP professional

Anyway, runs nice @ my PC, although it complains it can''t use GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object. Could be. I''ve got an old GF2mx, and nog updated my drivers for a month or so. I''ve got about 15 FPS all the time.
Relevant specs :
Celeron 950Mhz,
GF2MX 200, 32MB
WinXP professional
Newbie programmers think programming is hard.Amature programmers think programming is easy.Professional programmers know programming is hard.
Tried your tech demo, its not compatible with my office equipment, WinXp Pro, PIII 650, 384MB RAM, Voodoo 3-2k.
Gives me a bunch of messaegs about unsupported stuff, then actually crashes. Will test when I get home.
Gives me a bunch of messaegs about unsupported stuff, then actually crashes. Will test when I get home.
Hmm...nice engine... 
The console is just GREAT :D
Average FPS: 59.957031
XP Pro
GF4 Ti4200

The console is just GREAT :D
Average FPS: 59.957031
XP Pro
GF4 Ti4200
I get prompted for saying, "your gpu does not support OpenGL''s "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object" extension. Try to update your GPU drivers. what is this GPU driver? and how do I update them ?
I''ve just tried it on my system and its horrible borked (Screen shot here of what i saw)
I''m running a Radeon9700pro with teh latest Cat drives (3.5), Winxp, AthlonXP2700+ cpu and 1gig of ram.
Frame rate felt fine, but for some reason the gfx looked like the above.
I''m running a Radeon9700pro with teh latest Cat drives (3.5), Winxp, AthlonXP2700+ cpu and 1gig of ram.
Frame rate felt fine, but for some reason the gfx looked like the above.
_the_phantom: This is quite weird, the sky shouldn''t look like that at all. I''ll check this out with another Radeon 9700 user. Thanks for reporting this bug.
- Etus
- Etus
Dont work any better on my Radeon 9500 (cat 3.4) on a Win2K box
The error was the excat same one every run, and crashed approx. 1½ second after displaying the house..
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english
|Visit me
\Take my advice - I don''''t use it...
The error was the excat same one every run, and crashed approx. 1½ second after displaying the house..
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english
|Visit me
\Take my advice - I don''''t use it...
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
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