FullScreen Error and big file sizes
I was just learning with NeHes Tutorials. Everything was fine, but when I ran the program in FullScreen Mode the compiler gave a disassembler error. It just runs fine in Window Mode. I have learned till 8 Tutorials and evrywhere the samething happens.
However, when I run the application just alone (not through compiler) in FullScreen Mode ... then there is no error. Everything just worksfine like ordered.
I am using Visual Studio with Windows XP. Is there something wrong with my compiler or do I have to tweak with something ???
One more thing ... its just a few lines of codes and the file size is too big ... bigger then 100 KB. Howcome, I have a great demo of someone''s OpenGL work and it is only of 64KB. Does the size of the compiled program has to do something with the compiler or not ???
I can survive anything ... even NUKES!!!
The Lion King

1. Thats the debugger, not the compiler 
2. Yeah, you can choose the compilers optimization: speed or size.

2. Yeah, you can choose the compilers optimization: speed or size.
PM Times change...
Excuse my poor english!
Set active configuration -> release
doing that will get your filesizes right down to where they would be without the debug junk embedded inside.
doing that will get your filesizes right down to where they would be without the debug junk embedded inside.
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