Problem with DevC++ compiler or I don't know...
I have a problem when I compile the tutorials you have made.
It doesn''t understand "CDS_FULLSCREEN". I don''t understand why because I have the latest DevC++ version and the gl...
Could you help me plz?
June 20, 2003 06:45 PM
... learn to use c++ before trying to learning opengl... include the libraries.
Original post by Soul Wound
I don''t understand why because I have the latest DevC++ version...
(Although you''ve been given a work around, I see want to point this out.) Obviously you do not have the newest Dev C++ version, since the MinGW32 headers corrected their error in leaving out CDS_FULLSCREEN years ago. The beta version is usable, and includes an up-to-date redistribution of MinGW32.
About the other thing, the AP has answered it: link the opengl libraries. You can do this by adding -lopengl32 to the compiler options.
You probably could have found an answer to both of these questions with Google, by the way

Original post by Anonymous Poster
... learn to use c++ before trying to learning opengl... include the libraries.
You should learn to read before posting on forums.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Hi all,
Thank Null and void to -lopengl32 but I have another problem.
I have download the last MinGW32 and DevC++ but I still have the same problem when I don''t put -lopenGL32. When I put -lopengl32, I have this message:
gcc: -lopengl32: linker input file unused since linking not done
And I can''t compile... Have DevC++ to be setup? Or is it my lib or includes that are bad?
Excuse me for the syntax, I''m french...
Thank Null and void to -lopengl32 but I have another problem.
I have download the last MinGW32 and DevC++ but I still have the same problem when I don''t put -lopenGL32. When I put -lopengl32, I have this message:
gcc: -lopengl32: linker input file unused since linking not done
And I can''t compile... Have DevC++ to be setup? Or is it my lib or includes that are bad?
Excuse me for the syntax, I''m french...
As is said earlier, simply define CDS_FULLSCREEN to 4, and it will work without modification.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
excuse me, I have found my error... and thanks for all.
...I had devc++ 4 , and not the beta. I know, it''s nob...
...I had devc++ 4 , and not the beta. I know, it''s nob...
June 22, 2003 04:28 PM
the define of CDS_FULLSCREEN is a windows only problem and has nothing to do with being able to program
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