
splash intro

Started by June 20, 2003 10:48 AM
4 comments, last by jimothygu 21 years, 8 months ago
Hey, I''ve just been playing around with GL a bit, and I was curious what the best way to show a splash screen would be. By splash screen I mean when you start up the game it shows something like "Blizzard entertainment" with thier logo, and then goes to the main menu (menu''s are something else I have a question about, but I''m planning on reading some more before I post). But about the logo, should I just make a rectangle and then texture map it with a BMP? Or can I just show the bmp directly on the screen? Thanks! Jim
Depends a little on what you want from the splash screen. If you just want to show a picture for a second, glDrawPixels is probably the easiest way. If you want some kind of effects, like fading in/out, I suggest you go for a textures quad instead. Drawing pixels directly isn''t exactly the fastest thing you can do, so if you need to do it more than once, use a texture.
If you want to just add a splash screen, check on my website, I''ve an example for that.

Leyder Dylan (
========================Leyder Dylan (
I've never played a blizzard game, but theres two kinds of splash screens that I know of. The first is the kind you see while the game is loading and the resolution hasn't changed yet. In that kind of splash screen the picture is drawn by windows (Like UT's).
The second kind is what Bob is talking about - adding a special screen inside of the game that can do things like fading in/out and is drawn using your renderer.

Which you want to use is really up to you. Personally I like the windows-based kind better if there is a lot for the game to load because it gives you something to look at while the game is loading.

[edited by - Hawkeye3 on June 20, 2003 2:51:10 PM]
blizzards logo is a movie, which also could be done with textured quads.
So for large games (big exe file), do you make a small program that shows the splash and then executes the main program in a separate .exe or what?

-solo (my site)
-solo (my site)

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