
Regarding the matter of choosing a compiler

Started by June 14, 2003 07:15 AM
6 comments, last by Jake_15 21 years, 8 months ago
A long time ago i sat down and began learning C++. Some school and some girls got in the way, and then after a while I took it up again. I fell over DarkBASIC, and I have worked with it for quite some time now. But I missed the structure of C++, and though I am only a newbie who worked with the language for half a year, I want to take the GL programming up again. Which good, FREE C/C++ compilers are available if you want to code GL? Thanks in advance; Jake Amen.
The compiler I''m using is the MinGW compiler.

I suggest you use Dev-C++. Its available on It is an IDE built around the mingw compiler and already has some packages you can download through the auto-update. Give it a try, its free


Great! How do I set it up for OpenGL scenes?
I am modelling in 3ds max 5 - how can i export my models to a format c++ understands?
I have looked everywhere for the SDL files - Can anyone give me a link to those?

And a guide on how to set it up in Dev-C++ would be nice too.

Thanks in advance
Here you go for using OpenGL with Dev-C++ :

And here is a small tutorial for setting up SDL

You can get the SDL files through the update tool of Dev-C++.
Start Dev-C++ and then go in Tools -> Check for updates/packages ...

From there you should be able to find the SDL Devpak in the packages list. Good luck!

Thank you David, you help has been of great use!
By the way, where can i find tutorials for glide and sdl?

[edited by - Jake_15 on June 15, 2003 4:06:07 AM]
You''re welcome.

As for Glide and SDL, I have no idea.
Try looking over the SDL website
Maybe you''ll find something to help you.


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