Lens flair effect?
I’m looking to add a lens flair to a space shooter. I figure you use a point and some how project it a few quads onto Ortho mode. I’m not sure how to go about how to calculate where to center the images on the ortho.
Is there a tutorial for this any one knows of? I can’t find anything too good on it. Or if there are any ideas on how to calculate it I would appreciate it.
I am in a real hurry right now, but here is how I implement it:
Look into `BOOL CLensFlare:
Sorry i cant explain anything right now.

[edited by - aftermath on June 11, 2003 1:29:50 AM]
#pragma once#include "displayobject.h"struct t_SingleFlare{ NAN2DSprite* pSprite; FLOAT fLengthScale; FLOAT fImageScale;};typedef list<t_SingleFlare> t_SingleFlareList;struct t_LensFlareInfo{ t_SingleFlareList Flares; NANStateBlock* Shader; FLOAT fTransAlpha,fFullAlpha;};class CLensFlare : public CObject{public: t_LensFlareInfo* pInfo; INT* pfLightX; INT* pfLightY; FLOAT fDrawAlpha; BOOL bKillFlag; ~CLensFlare(void); CLensFlare(t_LensFlareInfo* pFlareInfo,INT* fFollowX,INT* fFollowY); BOOL Process();};extern t_LensFlareInfo FlareInfo1;void InitLensFlares();
LensFlare.cpp: #include "PreCompiled.h"#include "player.h"#include "game.h"#include "lensflare.h"#include "shared.h"#include "input.h"t_LensFlareInfo FlareInfo1;FLOAT Foo=300.0f,Bar=100.0f;void CompileFlareInfo(t_LensFlareInfo* pInfo,TCHAR* strFilename){ gaurd(CompileFlareInfo()); assert(pInfo); NANIniFile* pIni = new NANIniFile; LPSTR strSectionName = "Flare"; pIni->Open(strFilename); LPSTR strShaderFile = pIni->GetString(strSectionName,"Shader"); if (strShaderFile) { CompileStateBlock(strShaderFile,&pInfo->Shader); }else{ pInfo->Shader = NULL; } INT NumFlares = pIni->GetInteger(strSectionName,"NumFlares"); for( INT i=1; i <= NumFlares; i++) { t_SingleFlare TheFlare; TheFlare.pSprite = NULL; TheFlare.fImageScale = pIni->GetFloat(strSectionName,fs("Flare%dImageScale",i)); TheFlare.fLengthScale = pIni->GetFloat(strSectionName,fs("Flare%dLengthScale",i)); N_NEWOBJ(TheFlare.pSprite,NAN2DSprite(pIni->GetString(strSectionName,fs("Flare%dImage",i)))); FlareInfo1.Flares.push_back(TheFlare); } pInfo->fFullAlpha = pIni->GetFloat(strSectionName,"FullAlpha"); pInfo->fTransAlpha = pIni->GetFloat(strSectionName,"TransAlpha"); SAFE_DELETE(pIni); ungaurd;}void InitLensFlares(){ gaurd(InitLensFlares()); /*CompileFlareInfo(&FlareInfo1,"Scripts/Flare1.flr"); AddDisplayObject(new CLensFlare(&FlareInfo1,&MouseX,&MouseY) );*/ ungaurd;}CLensFlare::~CLensFlare(void){}CLensFlare::CLensFlare(t_LensFlareInfo* pFlareInfo,INT* fFollowX,INT* fFollowY):CObject(LensFlare){ pInfo = pFlareInfo; pfLightX = fFollowX; pfLightY = fFollowY; fDrawAlpha = 255.0f; bKillFlag = FALSE;}BOOL CLensFlare::Process(){ gaurd(CLensFlare::Process()); if(bKillFlag == TRUE){ return FALSE; } t_SingleFlareList::iterator iter; FLOAT fLightX = *pfLightX; FLOAT fLightY = *pfLightY; FLOAT fDx = fLightX - (ScreenWidth_2); FLOAT fDy = fLightY - (ScreenHeight_2); //FLOAT fR = sqrt(fDx*fDx + fDy*fDy); //fAlpha = (DWORD)fR % 255; for(iter = pInfo->Flares.begin(); iter != pInfo->Flares.end(); iter++) { t_SingleFlare TheFlare = (*iter); FLOAT fX = fDx*TheFlare.fLengthScale; FLOAT fY = fDy*TheFlare.fLengthScale; fX += ScreenWidth_2; /* center it */ fY += ScreenHeight_2; fX -= ((TheFlare.pSprite->GetWidth()*TheFlare.fImageScale)*fWidthScale)*0.5f; fY -= ((TheFlare.pSprite->GetHeight()*TheFlare.fImageScale)*fHeightScale)*0.5f; TheFlare.pSprite->SetPosition(fX,fY); TheFlare.pSprite->SetScaling(TheFlare.fImageScale,TheFlare.fImageScale); if (pInfo->Shader) { TheFlare.pSprite->SetStateBlock(pInfo->Shader); } Draw2DSpriteToGoodRes(TheFlare.pSprite); } ungaurd; return TRUE;}
Look into `BOOL CLensFlare:

Sorry i cant explain anything right now.
[edited by - aftermath on June 11, 2003 1:29:50 AM]
Rate me up.
Thanks, that code is helpfull. After reading though it i dunt fully understand what is going on. Does any one have a good explination on the calculations?
Here is the first thing I found when searching "opengl lense flare". Seems to explain it well enough. If you want real physics instead of an easy trick, then it won''t help you.
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