
what's this problem name?

Started by June 10, 2003 01:36 PM
2 comments, last by siddim 21 years, 8 months ago
hi, taka a look at this picture: there is a problem with the pixels on the ground that are far away, do you know any tutorial that solve this problem? thanks.
That is aliasing, you have too much details in your texture but not enough pixels to show all details. Aliasing can be reduced with an anti-aliasing filter, in this case mipmapped textures is what you need. Check out NeHe tutorial #7.
The simple name of this problem is the "snow effect", and the technical term is "minification issue".

It happens when you try to render a pixel on screen which texture surface covers more than one texel.

The problem can be solved using mipmaps. For this to work, you have to fill in all mipmap levels and ask OpenGL to lookup into mipmaps when min-filtering (minification filtering). Take a look at the OpenGL Red Book which has very good chapters on this topic.
It looks cool though!

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