ooooo how about showing how to build a bezier curve path and have a camera follow it? =)
And if you wanted to be even fancier you could have two paths, one for the position and one for the view vector of the camera?
I''m just firing off every cool idea that comes to mind but I guess that''s what you''re looking for =)
What would you like to see in a new gfx/game programming book?
Senior Rendering Engineer @ Frostbite
Previously at BioWare
Author of Game Engine Toolset Development
I''d much rather see a great example and discussion on using OpenAL for 3D sound, I don''t think I have any books on it, and it would be nicer for people reading the book that need a portable solution (OpenAL + OpenGL rocks)
Maybe a section on both?
Maybe a section on both?
Senior Rendering Engineer @ Frostbite
Previously at BioWare
Author of Game Engine Toolset Development
June 07, 2003 03:50 PM
Doesn''t Jim Adams cover advanced animation in his new DirectX book? Is it just about keyframe animation?
These are some of the topics I had most difficulty to find in books:
- Skeletal animation
- Shaders (per-pixel effects, like per-pixel lighting, bump mapping, etc...)
These are some of the topics I had most difficulty to find in books:
- Skeletal animation
- Shaders (per-pixel effects, like per-pixel lighting, bump mapping, etc...)
"Through me the road to the city of desolation,Through me the road to sorrows diuturnal,Through me the road among the lost creation."
What about a powerful animation system (with skinning, mesh morphing etc)
(you can find me on IRC : #opengl on undernet)
subject that definitely will be:
skeletal animation system from the simple to the advanced.
system, also BSP trees solid and leaf teory and use.
few people said that they would like to see a working code that plugs into a real game, to do this i''m contacting with companies that ouns several great data formats such as bsp3 and md3 and i hope they give me the permission to include info about them and use it to show how the teory implemnt in a real game env''.
10x for answering
subject that definitely will be:
skeletal animation system from the simple to the advanced.
system, also BSP trees solid and leaf teory and use.
few people said that they would like to see a working code that plugs into a real game, to do this i''m contacting with companies that ouns several great data formats such as bsp3 and md3 and i hope they give me the permission to include info about them and use it to show how the teory implemnt in a real game env''.
10x for answering

I''ll buy it
"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"

"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
Personally, I want to see topics not already found in other books. Something like:
(From Demo to Game-of-the-Year, Taking your idea to the next level.)
Focus on ideas such as:
1. Market Research
2. System Requirements
3. Open Standards vs. Proprietary API''s
4. Conversion from Demo to Full game
5. Client/Server Model
6. "Tricks" vs. Gameplay
7. Homegrown engine vs. Licensed
but that''s my opinion, I could be wrong!
(From Demo to Game-of-the-Year, Taking your idea to the next level.)
Focus on ideas such as:
1. Market Research
2. System Requirements
3. Open Standards vs. Proprietary API''s
4. Conversion from Demo to Full game
5. Client/Server Model
6. "Tricks" vs. Gameplay
7. Homegrown engine vs. Licensed
but that''s my opinion, I could be wrong!

I need no signature... well, alright.
Would like to see a reference to this site and perhaps a few of our demos on an accompanying disk.

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