
What would you like to see in a new gfx/game programming book?

Started by June 06, 2003 10:18 AM
25 comments, last by orenk2k 21 years, 8 months ago
Hello i''m thinking to write another book about game/gfx programming tricks and i wonder, what would you guys would like to see in that kind of book? which subjects? 10x and bye
A better explanation of boning/skinning. Theres only a couple I have seen, and they''re very criptic. Usually there like, "Here is the demo, I don''t go in depth about how it works.... Just know that it does work!" Not a whole skeletal system, but maybe enough to show how the bone hierarchy works and how the the bones will effect their children. Then at the joints, maybe describe how the vertex weights work?

Just an idea...


"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
How about getting NeHe to guest write a chapter in the book and maybe he could get a small percentage? Maybe that would be too awkward and unworkable, but anytime you go to a site about OpenGL they usually mention him and his name is well known by most people who use OpenGL for game programming.
Sorry if this is slightly off topic.
"If all else fails, lower your standards."
I have trouble finding ANY information on the basic structure and how to set up a engine in general... I know it''s different for everything that needs to be done, but there is always a base system...

Plus, some ADV AI!

wow, I have an entire wish list hehe...
NARF - Pinky and the Brain
I agree on the advanced (and well documented) chapter on skeletal animation. It seems very hard to find one of these anywhere.

On another note, how about the basics on a simple C++ Client/server system (not exactly OpenGL, but something most programming newbies could learn from).

the book if writing will be on a game/gfx programming subject which means i will cover subjects like:
1) general programming - using stl,singletons,plugins and stuff like that.

2) math - optimization tricks,fast math using P3 & p4 asm instructions,simple transformations and more.

3) game input devices using direct input - joystick and force feedback and more.

4) game programming (big section) - using GL CVA & VAR, Particle system, skeletal animation system + motion capture files, using NVidia Cg lang' and much more...

5) visibility techniques - alot of info on BSP, portals octrees quadtree,simple frustum culling...

6) AI - not a big section but enough to let you know how to plug it into your outdoor/indoor game engine, some optimizations and stuff like that.

7) sound & music - how to use directsound for simple playing to 3d sound system ete...

i'm still making changes to the contents based on what you guys saying and need but the hot topics will be stay.
ask your friends and try to put info as much as you can in order to deliver "the book" to your shelf

[edited by - orenk2k on June 7, 2003 12:53:26 PM]
I would be extremely interested in a massive visibility culling section. Most particularly I would love to see a very indepth section on building a leafy BSP tree (maybe solid too, show the differences?) and how to traverse it and render the nodes?

I would definitely buy the book alone with something like that in it =)

How about some info on particle system implementation in a game?
Oh that would be good too. Maybe things on billboarding, importance of disable z-buffer writes, etc..

Maybe also examples and information on radix sorting of polygons?

A section on vehicle physics could be cool too

Well I agree on everything above and I might add:
-vertex shaders
-pixel shaders
-light mapping
-lens flare
->Bump Mapping
->Enviromental Mapping
->Gloss Mapping
->Alpha Channel Manipulation
->Collision Detection
->Ray Tracing(Well for this i added up a post and...0)

Some of them i`m implementing myself but some...I don`t even know what they are...

Relative Games - My apps

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