
Vertex Shaders

Started by June 04, 2003 06:37 PM
13 comments, last by UponTheEnd 21 years, 8 months ago
EveryWhere i look these days at demos or games, or whatever. They are talking about this new thing called Vertex Shaders. When i look at the name, it tells me something but not near as much as its popularity. So, the point is, what are they and what do you use them for? Are they an extension? Thanks
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
They are an extension. What they do is store a list of verticies on the video ram, so you don''t waste time resending them to the video card. This is usually used for static objects, because frequent changes nullifies the advantages.
[s] [/s]
I can see the fnords.
What they do is store a list of verticies on the video ram, so you don't waste time resending them to the video card. This is usually used for static objects, because frequent changes nullifies the advantages.

You obviously don't know what you're talking about.
There are extensions that store vertices in video memory, but they're not vertex shaders.

Shaders (either vertex or fragment) allow one to reimplement part of the rendering pipeline. So you can replace the standard algorithms with your own, and they'll execute in the GPU.


The OpenGL extension names from ARB are ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program, if I'm not mistaken...

[edited by - HellRaider on June 4, 2003 8:02:09 PM]
HellRaider''s right.
Vertex shaders (known as vertex programs in OpenGL, since the word "shading" has no real meaning for vertices) override computations in the pipeline.

Usually, computations are fixed by a certain state, like lighting, fog, automatic texture coordinate generation, and such. Vertex programming allows the user to perform his own computations instead of the fixed function pipeline.

There are many, many cases when vertex programming comes handy : Volumetric fog and volumetric lights, keyframe interpolation, bump mapping, and much more. Vertex programs are often combined with fragment programs (also known as pixel shaders in DirectX).
How do you use the ARB_fragment_program ?
I get it it`s an extension..I could initialize it do I USE it ?

Relative Games - My apps

The ARB_fragment_program extension is pretty easy to use in fact.
First of all, you have to create a program and load it.
glGenProgramsARB(1, &program);
glBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRM_ARB, program);
glProgramString(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB, strlen(fragment_program_string), fragment_program_string);
where "fragment_program_string" is the program, represented by a string. It looks like :

# Simple fragment program sample
ATTRIB texCoord = fragment.texcoord[0];
ATTRIB col = fragment.color.primary;
OUTPUT outColor = result.color;
TEMP texel2D;
# Sample the 2D texture and modulate it with the primary color
TXP texel2D, texCoord, texture, 2D;
MUL outColor, texel2D, col;

Then, every time you want to render primitives with that shader, enable fragment programs and bind it :
glBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, program);
// render the model here.

And before exiting the program, it is recommended to delete the program :
glDeleteProgramsARB(1, &program);

As you will have guessed, the hardest part is defining the program string that matches the shader of your dreams.
lol it doesn''t inspire you, does it ?
What cards support vertex and fragment programs? (can a radeon 7000?)
I wanted to comment and say that UT2K3 uses vertex and fragment programs quite extensively, although UT2k3 I dont think has any GL support
Vertex programs are supported in hardware for GeForce3 and up (but not GeForce4MX) and for Radeon8500 and up.
Nvidia also supports vertex programs for ALL the GeForce series but with a software fallback for cards like GF2 and GF4MX. Even in software it runs pretty good.

Fragment programs are supported in hardware for all the GeForceFX series and for Radeon9500 and up (Radeon9000 does NOT support fragment programs).
Nvidia also provides a software fallback (known as the "NV30 emulation tool") for other GeForce cards but it is just for testing purposes because fragment programs are really too damn slow in software.

As for UT2K3 in fact it does not use pixel and vertex shaders intensively, despite the very neat effects in the game. That allows the game to run on old cards (afair UT2K3 does only need a DirectX6 compliant card) with still good graphics.

UT2K3 does have a GL support. A GL renderer have been written for linux (the game was released for windows and linux simultaneously) and is now used for a (recent) Macintosh version of the game. Also, I''ve heard that there is an OpenGL support for windows users which is recommended for systems that do have problems with Direct3D.
Thanks! This post was very helpful for me, too, since I was looking for a detailed description of how to Implement Vertex/Pixel Shaders in OpenGL. And it would be really really great if anyone of you would have a link to a homepage showing how to code those Shader programs! So any link or book title, giving a good start into the world of Vertex/Pixel Shaders (with OpenGL) would be great

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