My personal definition of intelligence (subject to change at any point but the best one I''ve thought of yet) is the ability to create or adapt a plan (algorithm) to fit a new need (that the agent has encountered).
Thus antivirus software which itself was able to adapt it''s programming to kill new viruses is intelligent. Whereas antivirus software that downloads new codes is not intelligent. However in the latter cause the system as a whole (software, auto downloader, and people creating the new virus definitions) is an intelligent system.
Returning to the topic: an OS is primarily (in my eyes) the equivalent of a kernal. It loads drivers and basically provides a HAL (hardware abstraction layer).
I think everything else on top of this (GUI, command line, antivirus software) is extra software.
So to me the notion of an intelligent OS would be one that was able to automatically interface correctly with hardware and provide it''s functionality transparently.
I don''t think that this is possible though in reality - in an automatic and independent manner (ie could you connect your modem to the internet starting from sending bits to the serial port - and without knowing AT command beforehand?)
It would be nice for the system to learn itself and create it''s own drivers I guess, but at the end of the day I want an OS that is fast, efficient and secure. That''s why I use Win3.1