I want to add reflection but I need an advice
Here we go ...
I''d like to add reflection in my engine. I know hot to do that but I need your advice, dear readers ...
Basically, we must write the reflection zone into the stencil buffer, next, add the scene who must be reflected into the stencil buffer and after we display the relfection zone and the object.
My question is for the reflected zone :
I think that it''s more powerful if I only add the reflected polygons into the stencil buffer instead of adding ALL zone into the stencil buffer. Right ?
But, how do you do for sorting the only reflected polygons. I need to determine wich polygons who will be reflected but now f....... idea ...
Thanks a lot.
Leyder Dylan (dylan.leyder@slug-production.be.tf
========================Leyder Dylan (dylan.leyder@slug-production.be.tf http://users.skynet.be/fa550206/Slug-Production/Index.htm/
You can use any sort of data trees (BSP, Quad-Tree or something like that). You can generate a Frustrum from the Object which reflects the scene and test this frustum against your tree.
--------------------------------------------------------There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened...
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