what program are you using?
run: i would add some wobble at his hinges to make him look less android. he looks like he is rocking back and forth slightly - i tink his head is doing it, it makes him looks kinda lazy or tired. i looks almost he has a poopy diaper.
i would bring his legs under his body more.
first i would fix his arms so that they come together at his chest and shoot outward like the karate kid breathing thing, then out and pull himself forward in the water like an oar. then i would change the timing of the arm strokes. right now he uses his arms and legs at the same time. i would make his arms animation pull forward first and then the legs right after. so his legs pull one or two frames before the legs.
i would slow down the wading animation on the feet.
death water:
i would slow down the bobbing in the water.
he seems pretty choppy, but other than that, i think if you took a frame out of his fall forward so he plops down quicker, from his knees. maybe add a pause when he hits his knees or ease into his leaning forward better.
i would add some flex in his wrists, his foot might need to stay planted to make his hits look more solid. but keep that knee pivoting! great work so far.