
this is crazy!

Started by May 22, 2003 01:26 AM
4 comments, last by pIpEs ClaNGoR 21 years, 9 months ago
okay this is a little off subject but I have an old version of my project and if you run it it works like a normal openGL program but the strange thing is that I clicked on the property menu and I notice an extra tab called archive! I am using WinRAR for compressed files and I don''t know if this works with other compression utilities but I clicked the tab and it said 96% was not compressed and had several files in it and I never compressed crap in it. I opened it with WinRAR and I fild files!!! The archive is curruped but I still could see a dirlled Audio!!! Then a dir in that called FX and in that 2 files sit called pt3.ogg and pt12.ogg! Strange!!! Any thoughts? download: --------------------------- The pipes clangor all the time.
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
Its perfectly clear what the problem is.

Evil pixies.
I have WinRAR installed, but I don''t see the tab in your .exe''s properties.

Try extracting the .ogg files, and see if they play.
Brianmiserere nostri Domine miserere nostri
.oggs are already compressed using zlib.

You cannot zip a zip, and if .ogg make up 96% of your files, in size, then 96% won''t be compressed...

Same with .ppt,
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn
no I had to zip it because geocities wont upload exe files but if you can''t see it then its my computer. I just found it odd. Never seen this type of error before and the ogg files can''t be extracted because they are not entierly there theres an unexpected end of the archive oh well.
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
The archive is corrupt, prolly because you are on dial up, and if something slows in dial up, it has the potential for being corrupted...

What I ment was, you cannot compress a zip file, so even if you add a .ogg,(which is zlib compressed) to a zip file, it won''t compress. So you ARE using compression, even if you don''t think you are...

.ogg was zlib compressed, becaues zlib is the most patent free compression utility out there, therefore, no one can sue .ogg to prevent it from being created...
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn

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