
MSN Community Site Request

Started by June 07, 2000 08:31 AM
-1 comments, last by Whirlwind 24 years, 3 months ago
I recently opened up a MSN web community site to host info on Ge, the game engine on hold while I start a new approach, and I am wondering if anyone would like to test something out for me. I want to see if anyone can post to the message board area or do you need to join the community first. I also made it a closed community, by invite only, but I am thinking about changing the page into a public community, since I can ban obnoxious people later. The other pro is that I can require a real name, real ISP provider email request prior to joining the board to keep people from joining, being a jerk, and then joining as someone else after getting banned. Don''t worry, there currently is no hope for the message board to replace this one since I am the only member of the community. Check out my progress on the Ge Game engine at

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