
OpenGL Tunnels

Started by May 16, 2003 10:10 PM
1 comment, last by tHaPuTeR 21 years, 9 months ago
Hey all, I was taking a stab at making my first tunnel demo but I just cant seem to get it to move the way I need it to... lol Anyways, if someone knows some good source code to look at or a tutorial of somesort, please let me know. Thanks

The method used to calculate the tunnel vertices is a little different to usual and takes a bit of figuring but it creates a very cool effect especially on the twists and bends ;D

Phil (Exsanity)
Hey thanks... I downloaded the source and then I noticed that it was in Delphi. I dont know anything about that road so I couldnt get much out of it. All I have is MSVC++ and MSVC++.NET to anyone else that might have and idea.

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