
Questions about 3D rendered sprites (like BG)?

Started by May 15, 2003 01:35 AM
3 comments, last by Lorigosolo 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi all!! I´m new to the forum and new in the game graphics sruff, so came here to learn! I´m working on a game that will use 3d rendered sprites, i´m in charge of the Art of the game. The thing that i want to achieve is something like Baldur´s Gate graphics, well at least close . The problem is that as i have never done this kind of renders i don´t know how they did some stuff. This question is basic (i think so), how should be divided a sprite?? I should have one rgb color sprite, one sprite alpha<-- ?? and one shadow alpha?? The shadow of the creatures should be in the same render or apart?? The Rgb color should be the texture made by me or it will be better to put the bump map and asign colors that later the engine change?? The Shadow should be a colored shadow too?? About weapons and armors, how this work(iknow that they ar layers) but I have to render them normally or i have to take some parts out, let´s say where the character holds the sword, this i should "banish" from the sprite so this part will not be over the hand right?? Well have a lot of more quetions but for my first time posting here this is enough!! Here is one of the models that i´m going to use for the game, there are a lot of error on this sprite (like the shadow that doesn´t fit the sprite) and feel free to critic the model or the sprite. Thanks!!! Lorigosolo
The best place to go is TeamBG. They have all the tools to open every data file in Baldurs Gate. Looking at the original files will tell you everything you need to know.

Is the game you''re working commercial or is it a hobby project?
If you have a link post it here. I love prerendered games so I''m keen to see it.

I like the dragon.

"I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity."George W. Bush
Thanks for the reply Davaris, i will look the originals files from the game to see if i can learn something from them.

This is a non-payed job that i´m working on to gain experience on the game field, and specially in the prerendered game style (i like them too ), it will be a free game, at least for now this is the plan. It will be a game like Ultima online (hope it will be better) with graphics like BG, well i hope i can achive their level.

The websites is

I started to work on this game 2 months ago so there aren´t too many graphics and almost all of them are in a beta phase, they need tweaking and for that reason i came here, to learn some techniques about BG Saga Isometric graphics.

As i mentioned before i´m in charge of building the 3D models from the concept art from the 2d artists, so almost all of the stuff that i made for the game till now are in the preview area.

I´m glad you liked my dragon, let me know what you think about the others graphics, the game style and the website!!


[edited by - lorigosolo on May 15, 2003 3:04:51 PM]
The 3D Stuff looks really good. I like everything on the website except for the grey castle behind the Argentum 2 Online logo. It looks a little wierd. I''d use a prerendered castle wall.

It looks like you can really churn out the work. Keep up the good work Lorigosolo.

"I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity."George W. Bush
Thanks Davaris for the comments!!!
Yeah i really should talk to our webmaster about that, i didn´t like the castle either and that dragon don´t look scary, i will made some prerenders of my dragon and a castle as soon as i can so he could change the website.

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