Accumulation Buffer & Motion Blur
does Accumulation BUffers and creating Motion Blue effects , even for simple objects require a pretty good CPU? i have a slower machine, one of two that i have, and when using the glAccum functions, its so slow you cant even tell motion blur is taking place. would anyone have the necessary specs for doing this effectively and smoothly? thanks
I could be wrong, most probably am...
Most 3d graphics cards dont actually support hardware accumulation buffers, therefore the buffer has to emulated in system memory and accessed/updated by the CPU, which is slow, probably, yup. bah.
Thanks for your time
Most 3d graphics cards dont actually support hardware accumulation buffers, therefore the buffer has to emulated in system memory and accessed/updated by the CPU, which is slow, probably, yup. bah.
Thanks for your time

All the R300 (Radeon 9500 and up) support a fully accel''d accum buffer, the NV30+ too probably.
Celeron ][ 566 @ 850256MB PC-100 CAS2 RAMDFI PA-61 Mainboard (250MB memory bandwidth sucks, it should be 500MB)ATI Radeon 32MB DDR LEWindows 98SE
The accumulation buffer is seldom used anymore, and if should avoid using it. For motion blur you can render to a texture, instead... have a good tutorial about it.
And like said before most cards don''t support the accumulation buffer.
And like said before most cards don''t support the accumulation buffer.
not even the GeForce 4 or any NVIDIA line card?? wonder if the new Wildcat 256MB card does

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