
Game engine tutorials!

Started by May 13, 2003 01:00 PM
3 comments, last by pootmaster 21 years, 9 months ago
Can anyone tell me of any sites that have tutorials on how to make complete working game engines??? Please help! "The world is evil... so stay out of it''''s way!" -Lewis Nitzberg (me!)
"The world is evil... so stay out of it''s way!"-Lewis Nitzberg (me!)
The 7-step tutorial on NeHe''s Homepage should do. While it maybe isn''t a game engine it shouldn''t be that hard to convert it to one.
Or is there any specific topics on it that you would like more information on. Like striving for graphics indepencany? So you could load any kind of driver from a dll file?

- Patrik Willbo

The Lord says He can get me out of this mess, but He''s pretty sure you''re fucked.
- Stephen (Braveheart)
Look here at the IRC lecture that was held about game engine development/architecture... It might be of a little help.
thanks!!! ill check these out!

"The world is evil... so stay out of it''''s way!"
-Lewis Nitzberg (me!)
"The world is evil... so stay out of it''s way!"-Lewis Nitzberg (me!)
Try this:

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