
Visual C++/Rendering Context problem

Started by May 13, 2003 08:34 AM
-1 comments, last by fedde 21 years, 9 months ago
Hi folks!!! For the past days I have been struggling with a severe Visual C++ 6.0 problem. I received a new computer here (Athlon XP), and suddenly I had problems running the open GL demo files (eg nr. 6). When I run the compiled program outside the VC environment everything works OK. But inside the environment I get a breakpoint at 100025F8, with the instruction mov dword ptr [ebp-4], 0FFFFFFFh The environment gives no hints about exceptions or errors. The callstack says: NVOGLNT!, NTDLL!, KERNEL32!, OPENGL32!, GDI32!,3b583d83() If I press F5 ten times or so the programs quits with the message "Can''t Create A GL Rendering Context" I am running windows 2000, VC 6.0 with SP5 and the latest processor pack. As far as I know the software configuration didn''t change after I received the new machine. Though everything has been reinstalled (by the system administrator, I study at the university of Twente). I tried some things to solve the problem: new video drivers, installing the openGL SDK, all without any success. Help !!!!! Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW: very nice website, highly informative !!! Fedde The Netherlands

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