
Thank you, NeHe!

Started by May 12, 2003 08:46 PM
12 comments, last by Ninkazu 21 years, 9 months ago
NeHe, you are my savior. I learned OpenGL through your tutorials and I actually made something almost worthy of the name "executable." I had to do a 3D demonstration with a poem about math for Algebra II at school (10th grade) and I just wanted the guys to see it. Sorry for the cheesy poem, but I think the effects are ok. I got some code from tutorial 11, and Quinton Pendragon''s mini-demo. Thanks again, I''ll reply with my grade when I get it :D
LOL! They require you to do OpenGL in algebra II? Back in the day I had to do math

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
haha smashing poem! Who cares how corny it is I''m sure it blew the pants off anybody else''s poem Half the art is backing it up with visuals.
My fellow Americans I have just signed legislation that outlaws Russia forever. Bombing will commence in five minutes.
Nice demo, but you should add time absed movment to it. It zoomed by too fast on my GeForce2 MX400. (Work system BTW) Other than that, great job.

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
The Poem was GREAT, nice effects - oh and this is coming from NeHe himself - make sure you email him your grade If you don''t get an "A" I would be very surprised - again Nice Work!
BRILLIANT, but I still can''t believe that you had to do that for Maths, definitely nothing like what we have to in England were we still have to do Maths.

Only problem was that the download was so slow 1.00kbps on a 1mbps connection, if you want a mirror just send me an e-mail or contact me on MSN with (not an easy to remember address I know). This site should have no load on it because I have only just set it up.

Btw, I have only just added my sig, so if it is awful leave me a comment.

                                            ____________             __             _    _____    |__  ||__  __|   _____    |  |          | |   | ___|    __| |   | |     |____|   | | | |     | | |   | |       | __|   | |     _____    | |  | |   | || |   | |       | |_____| |     |____|   | |    ||||   | |   | |__     |____||____|              | |     ||    |_|   |____|
Ya, I thought of FPS limiting when I played it at school. Man I''m so stupid for forgetting. Oh well, I''m glad you guys enjoyed it. GL_LINES worked EXTREMELY slow on the forest pic, but faster than my computer on the "tunnel."

I still can''t believe I made a demo.... it may not be scene material but yay! I finally got off my ass to do something! Oh wait... I didn''t get off my ass. .....meh.

Sorry guys, no grade yet. She was quite impressed, so if I don''t get an "A" there will be a certain strangled teacher somewhere....
Hey, I just got my grade today and I got a 99! woo! Thanks again, NeHe!!
why did she take one point off?
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
I''m not sure. I didn''t ask, because I didn''t want to be rude. Maybe she took off a point for the poem being too short, or the fact that I might have laughed (along with others) at some bad singing. Today some girl sang "Old math Donald." It was HORRIBLE. She didn''t sing, she tried to put a melody on it, but she basically screwed up the song by not thinking about what she was writing.

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