
2D cell animation problem

Started by May 12, 2003 08:29 AM
1 comment, last by Frog102 21 years, 9 months ago
Okay, I started a small personal platform-game project recently, and i''ve been having a little bit of trouble with bitmaps and cell animation. I can get animation to work fine, but somtimes it flickers around and goes haywire and I cant figure out why. and download to see what im talking about. any ideas? want to see some of the code? thank you, --Frog102
when I was working on 2d sprites I noticed that it would flicker too, but the thing is, it can be a few different things., It can be your timer code (framerate independant?) your opengl states or texture quality/environment.. It would be hard to say without going thru some code..
this place is lame

This may not make any sense, but I took someone else''s code that was similar to mine, put that and plugged it into my app. It worked fine, no flicker. from there, I slowly evolved it untill all of the code was changed back to exactly _identical_ to what I had before, and it still worked without the flicker.

I cant seem to figure out whats different from before, it doesn''t make any sense to me. but anyway, I have no reason to complain, problem solved.


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