MD2 model looking odd
I got a problem with my MD2 models lighting(using a MD2 loading code I got from the "OpenGL Game Programming" book). As I don''t know how to show you pictures on theses forums, I''ll have to try and explain you the problem with words.
The model is reacting to the lights, but each triangle seems to be either totally black, or totally illuminated. When the model is facing the light source, each triangle facing it is illuminated, and triangles not facing the light are black. The problem is that there is no "in-between" zone where parts of the triangles would be partially illuminated. The result is a model completely "cut" in two triangle types: illuminated triangles and not illuminated ones, which is really ugly.
I''ve searched quite a lot and I think I may have found the problem, using the Red Book. The code from the book I am using is only computing the normal for each triangle (using the three points composing the triangle), but it is not computing the normal of each point individually.
Now maybe I''m just lazy but calculating the normal of each points and storing it would take quite some time
so I would like to know your opinion on my problem. Do you think that my models are crappy looking because I need to give each vertex a normal?
Thanks for you help on this!

... well I was just asking if anybody knew an evident answer for this
Compute the normals or disable the lighting.
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