Setting up a Console
I`m coding right now a Console and I`ve come across some problems
1)what`s the value/vritual key for the "`" ? "`" or "~" don`t work...?
2)How can I distinguish UpperCase from LowerCase from the char(wParam)(I use that for printing text...?)should I use lParam or something ?
3)by sprintf()-ing a char[size], does it reset it ? like all of it becomes full of '' '' even if you put a single ''>'' ?
4)char(wParam) seems just for numbers and +/-/;/''/]/[/(/) etc(symbols usually)
Relative Games - My apps
1) off my head, 190. I''ll check that later
2) check if the shift key is down (VK_SHIFT). If the character is betten A and Z, add (''a''-''A'')
3) I''m not sure I get your question. but, anyway, when you use C strings, the final character must be the value 0, or ''\0'', (the null terminator) which indicates the end of the string, otherwise it keeps reading on till it bumps into one. Not sure if thats your problem though.
4) when that is the case (not otherwise) use MapVirtualKey(keyCode,2);
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2) check if the shift key is down (VK_SHIFT). If the character is betten A and Z, add (''a''-''A'')
3) I''m not sure I get your question. but, anyway, when you use C strings, the final character must be the value 0, or ''\0'', (the null terminator) which indicates the end of the string, otherwise it keeps reading on till it bumps into one. Not sure if thats your problem though.
4) when that is the case (not otherwise) use MapVirtualKey(keyCode,2);
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