Hi all,
I tried to learn everything about quaternions and matrices the past weeks and solved the loved gible lock now.
When I try to move in 3D space I have now a new problem.
My quaternion code is based on gametutorial 7 and some articles from gameasutra and gamedev, because the gametut. 7 is not very intuitive...
So what I''m going to do is to get the direction vector from the quaternion.
I modyfied the gametut. function so looks a bit different but that shouldn''t matter:
MFVector3D MFQuaternion::GetDirectionVector()
MFVector3D v3dTmp;
v3dTmp.x = 2.0f*(x*z-w*y);
v3dTmp.y = 2.0f*(y*z+w*x);
v3dTmp.z = 1.0f-2.0f*(x*x+y*y);
return v3dTmp;
I dont really know what the hack is wrong with this. Maybe its not a mistake made here, so lets see another snip of code:
MFQuaternion &MFQuaternion::Set(float xT, float yT, float zT)
MFQuaternion xQ(xT, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
MFQuaternion yQ(yT, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
MFQuaternion zQ(zT, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
*this = xQ;
*this *= yQ;
*this *= zQ;
return *this;
MFQuaternion &MFQuaternion::Set(float angle, float xT, float yT, float zT)
float factor = xT*xT+yT*yT+zT*zT;
factor = (float) EPSILON;
float scaleBy = (float) (1.0/sqrt(factor));
w = (float) cos(angle/2.0f);
float sinHalfAngle = (float) sin(angle/2.0f);
x = xT*scaleBy*sinHalfAngle;
y = yT*scaleBy*sinHalfAngle;
z = zT*scaleBy*sinHalfAngle;
return *this;
MFQuaternion MFQuaternion::operator* (const MFQuaternion Q)
MFQuaternion Qtmp;
Qtmp.x = w*Q.x + x*Q.w + y*Q.z - z*Q.y;
Qtmp.y = w*Q.y + y*Q.w + z*Q.x - x*Q.z;
Qtmp.z = w*Q.z + z*Q.w + x*Q.y - y*Q.x;
Qtmp.w = w*Q.w - x*Q.x - y*Q.y - z*Q.z;
return Qtmp;
void MFQuaternion::operator*=(const MFQuaternion Q)
MFQuaternion Qtmp;
Qtmp.x = w*Q.x + x*Q.w + y*Q.z - z*Q.y;
Qtmp.y = w*Q.y + y*Q.w + z*Q.x - x*Q.z;
Qtmp.z = w*Q.z + z*Q.w + x*Q.y - y*Q.x;
Qtmp.w = w*Q.w - x*Q.x - y*Q.y - z*Q.z;
x = Qtmp.x;
y = Qtmp.y;
z = Qtmp.z;
w = Qtmp.w;
My rotation is applied as follows:
rotX = -mouse.y / 500; // Mouse Look
rotY = -mouse.x / 500; // Mouse Look
// rotZ += 0.001*Engine.Tools->procPower;
qRotation *= MFQuaternion(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
// qRotation.QuatToAxisAngle(axisX, axisY, axisZ, rotAngle);
mRotation = qRotation.QuatToM4();
// glRotatef((float) (rotAngle*PIUNDER180), axisX, axisY, axisZ);
v3dDirection = qRotation.GetDirectionVector();
qRotationT = qRotation;
qRotation = MFQuaternion(0.0f, 90.0f, 0.0f) * qRotation;
v3dRight = qRotation.GetDirectionVector();
qRotation = qRotationT;
qRotation = MFQuaternion(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) * qRotation;
v3dUp = qRotation.GetDirectionVector();
qRotation = qRotationT;
The direction vectors I get are not orthogonal. They seem to be messed up when I rotate the camera (I have a little coordinate System on my screen [thanks to vincoof] so I can see what happend to them).
Maybe someone can find the mistake or you can help with ideas...
ps. Its me, DarkKiller....
Its me, DarkKiller ;)-------------------------------------------What is the Matrix?