Hey i need your guys help
Can anyone tell me why the vertices in the nehe''s 10th tutorial seem to grab one another and totally jack up the environment. Such as triangles wont be drawn or they will be drawn just all over the map. if anyone has experienced this then let me know please. Also, i found that if you rearrange the vertices as to how you drew each poly then it usually fixes the problem.
Newbie #1
Newbie #1
The pipes clangor all the time.
The pipes clangor all the time.
---------------------------The pipes clangor all the time.
Show us the code...
And what do you mean jack up the enviroment? grab one another?
And what do you mean jack up the enviroment? grab one another?
What video card you using? Sounds like a bad driver implementation... Try updating your drivers.
I am just a high school student who is learning C++ and studying openGL on my free time. The schools graphics cards are hardly ever used and they are not very powerful at all. I think they are TNT''s but not sure. I know the computers are running at 700 mhrz with probably 64 mb or ram. i dont think there is a problem with the drivers but i can try updating them. As for the polys, they are grabing one another. The compiler seems to want to stay at one vertex and draw multiple bitmaps from that source. so i would get a real crazy looking map. it almost looks like the debris you see in a building after it is run down or has been bombed. i decided to restart and draw each triangle different every time. there is no way i could show you the code unless you want a huge text file holding the world i was working on. not all the world in the txt is mine. i built my world off of it and ended up with problems. thanks for the support guys and if you come up with any ideas of what happened then let me know.
Newbie #1
Newbie #1
Newbie #1
Maybe possably you didnt make the world right...?
cut out what you did and retry it, if it fixes it, then
you didnt plot the verts correctly. I had the same problem
with lesson10 when i first started, it was because I didnt
plot the vertices right.
hope that helps.
www.jinx.com www.thebroken.org www.suprnova.org www.mozilla.org
thanks alot all of you for your input. i really apprieciate it. i fixed the problem by starting over. then redoing how i draw my polys. thanks a lot...
Newbie #1
Newbie #1
Newbie #1
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