
White Textures

Started by May 05, 2003 11:01 PM
17 comments, last by UponTheEnd 21 years, 9 months ago
I have a engine i am working on and it has a pretty advance texturing loading system in it. I have been testing it lately and after i debugged most of the run-time errors, i was left with a white texture I have gl-texture-2d enabled, i have all the data from the bitmap so i know i am loading the right file and i am actually loading it. I regiestered it with opengl and did all that no problem. and i even used the gltexcoord stuff. everything i need is there i belive. appearantly it isnt beacuse it isnt working I was wandering if anyone could throw out some guesses why this is, it just a white quad right now..... I would post the code but it is very large. if you really need it. post and i will send it to you. thanks alot
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
This can happen when using a filter like GL_MIPMAP_LINEAR without building mipmaps.
Thanks for the reply.

I am not using mipmaps though

I will check again to make sure.

"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator

Thanks for the replys.

I checked to make sure and i am not using mipmaps for the texturing.

Any other ideas of what it could be?

"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
Did you enable texturing?
Are dimensions of texture powers of 2?
What do you mean by enabling texturing?

Is there something else besides glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);?

Also my texture is 128 by 128..
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
No any other idea without code. Post just some drawing loading parts..
post code, or email me the code. I''ll see what i can do.
I am desperate.

It is probley going to be something very simple that i missed..

Ok.. when you open the project, the relevant code is in image.h and texture.h and engine.h

the rest is just for planning....

ok here is the link:

if it doesnt work or it says you dont have access or something, just post a reply. and i will change to a different server.

thanks for the replys
"What we do in life, echos in eternity" -- Gladiator
Use "glGetError()" (or something like that ?) after each glXXX call until you get a fail. Then you know which call failed. You will probably get "invalid parameter" or something as equally useful, but at least you know what line is stuffing up.
White texture = gl error.

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