
Game Tutorial #5

Started by May 03, 2003 03:10 PM
3 comments, last by loui_eg82 21 years, 10 months ago
Hi all , When I compile the source code in Game Tutorial # 5 I get the message that the following header files are missed !! Can any one please provide them to me or tell me from where I can download them ? Thank you peace !
You''ll have to install the DirectX 8+ SDK to use them.



I already have DirectX 9.0 ..

I forgot posting the header files that the compiler says they are missed :

And ZealousElixir , can you provide me the link to download the SDK ?

Thnx ,

Peace !

I already have DirectX 9.0 ..

I forgot posting the header files that the compiler says they are missed :


And ZealousElixir , can you provide me the link to download the SDK ?

Thnx ,

Peace !

You can have DX without having the SDK. Install this, and set up the directories in your IDE.


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