
Dawn of Evil RPG D3D: Looking for members

Started by June 04, 2000 12:33 AM
3 comments, last by wang 24 years, 9 months ago
Hello. I am the lead programmer of Beyond Entertainment. We are currently making an MMORPG called "Dawn of Evil." If you are interested in beta testing or joining the team. Please contact me immediately. We are in need of artists/animators/3d modelers. ICQ#: 71297316
I''m just curious how in the heck someone makes a MMORPG?? Is it just a browser based, MUD style thing? Or is it like a full fledged UO or EQ game??
What? It is full fledge D3D game. Yes similar to Everquest.
Damn that''s cool. Best of luck! Wish I knew how to program something like that! Look at my MMORPG idea thread to look at some of my ideas, if you like.
Don''t draw, don''t animate don''t model, just program (and I''m not what you''d call an expert at that either )

I''d love to beta test tho''

J2xC (J. Connolly)

You were expecting something funny, weren't you!

J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...

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