Do models need lighting?
Wow, 306 views and nobody has an answer... Is everybody checking the thread looking to see if anyone''s posted an answer or another suggestion, or have 306 different people actually looked at it... Seems unlikely looking at the avg number of times most of the other threads in this forum have been viewed...
---------------------------------------------------There are 10 kinds of people in the world:Those that understand binary, and those that dont...Mage
Ok, I figured it out.
---------------------------------------------------There are 10 kinds of people in the world:Those that understand binary, and those that dont...Mage
Did you discovered the bug? If so, could you tell us what was it? (just curiosity)
"Steel and Fire,Spreading the Holy Word,Dirty Liars,The truth has never been told" - Primal Fear
Heh... it''s always something really stupid... first, and most important for why nothing was being drawn: I was loading the model before I had initialized OpenGL. Second, when I was indexing into the verts array to draw the vertices, I wasn''t moving forward by a factor of 3 for each vertex (3 floats in the array for each vertex) so when I was first seeing something it was garbage, but that was an easy one to find as the location of that bug was a little more obvious. And, once again, thanx for all of the suggestions...
---------------------------------------------------There are 10 kinds of people in the world:Those that understand binary, and those that dont...Mage
Original post by Mage2k
Wow, 306 views and nobody has an answer...
When I saw the post, I was hoping it was a discussion about using OpenGL lighting versus using other methods...

- sighuh?
[edited by - redragon on May 7, 2003 1:38:25 PM]
- sighuh?
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