I've noticed in the latest Ipicture code, nehe has moved the update() and draw() functions from the message pump to the WM_PAINT() window message..
I'm just wondering if there is any performance benifits to that.
I've been using the following message pump (which allows me to limit the MAX fps (based on the generic directX loop) or run it flat out..
HRESULT MyProgram::MainMsgLoop()
DWORD fps = 75; // the maximum frame rate, set this to 0 for unlimited
BOOL fConsumed; // do we have to dispatch the windows message
MSG msg; // memory for a windows message
LONGLONG cur_time; // actual time at the start of a check for the next frame
DWORD time_count; // time for a frame at the given fps rate
LONGLONG perf_cnt; // speed of the performance timer
BOOL perf_flag = FALSE; // are we using the mmsystem timer or the win32 one
LONGLONG next_time = 0; // start time of the next frame (will be calculated after a frame was rendered)
LONGLONG elapsed_time = 0; // time a frame really need to render
// are we able to use the precion timer from mmsystem?
if (QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*) &perf_cnt))
// yes, fine
perf_flag = TRUE;
// length of a frame in ticks
if ( fps )
time_count = (DWORD) perf_cnt/fps;
time_count = 0;
// init the time for the next frame (simply set it to now)
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*) &next_time);
// use wim32 timer ticks
// length of a frame in ticks
if ( fps )
time_count = 1000/fps;
time_count = 0;
// init the time for the next frame (simply set it to now)
next_time = timeGetTime();
for (;
fConsumed = FALSE;
// first hanlde win32 messages
if (PeekMessageA(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
ApcHost_OnTranslateMessage(&msg, &fConsumed);
if (!fConsumed)
// are we in game mode?
if (g_pPlayer && !g_pPlayer->m_fPause)
// get the current timer ticks depending on measuring method (mmsystem or win32)
if (perf_flag)
QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*) &cur_time);
cur_time = timeGetTime();
// is it time for rendering the next frame?
if ( cur_time > next_time )
// Fine, so do it
fConsumed = TRUE;
// calculate the start of the next frame
// (start of the current frame) + (time slice of a frame) - (the time we used to render this frame)
next_time = cur_time + time_count;
// not in game mode, simply wait for the next message
return S_OK;
and the render loop
void Player::Render()
float timepassed = (float)(liNewTime.LowPart - m_liOldTime.LowPart) / (float)m_liCounterFrequency.LowPart;
// Get time in milliseconds since last render loop
m_timeCur = (int)(((liNewTime.QuadPart - m_liStartTime.QuadPart)*1000)/m_liCounterFrequency.LowPart);
I know ev everybodys loops are different, just wondering why the move the PAINT message
Hope somebody can help..
[edited by - jumpman on May 1, 2003 11:34:25 PM]