

Started by May 01, 2003 11:30 AM
12 comments, last by paulbird 21 years, 10 months ago
Original post by Anonymous Poster
if i remember correctly don''t you have to use glBindTexture before Tex2D?

Yes, you do.

The ONLY reason glBindTexture would not be working, is because of a spelling mistake.

glBindtexture != glBindTexture
glbindtexture != glBindTexture

Original post by paulbird
Apparently "BindTexture" is a fastway to chage textures. But I don''t have this function. I just have to use Tex2D each time I want to load a texture, this is quite slow and seems to cause problems sometimes such as textures not loading if the display is too big. What can I do?!

Do us a favor... kill yourself

Gl 1.4 is included in nvidia drivers. So download them to gain access. Lot of extensions migrated to the gl core and some have changed their spec as a result. You can either use extensions or use the core arb + ext/nv/ati extensions. I find it easier to use sgi gl 1.4 docs + gl 1.4 driver. You also want nvidia gl.h and glext.h and wglext.h headers. Their gl.h includes gl 1.4 names and microsoft''s gl.h goes only to 1.1 + some extensions. MS gl 1.1 is not complete as some things that should have been in the 1.1 core are left as extensions under MS gl. I think vertex array is one of them.

You also want nvidia gl.h and glext.h and wglext.h headers. Their gl.h includes gl 1.4 names and microsoft''s gl.h goes only to 1.1 + some extensions.

You really sure NVIDIA provides a gl.h? That file belongs to Microsofts implementation and noone should provide their own to use instead of Microsofts.

MS gl 1.1 is not complete as some things that should have been in the 1.1 core are left as extensions under MS gl. I think vertex array is one of them.

Please say what 1.1 features are only accessible through extensions. Vertex arrays are most definitely accessible the usual way and not only through the extension mechanism.

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