
Warez and such

Started by June 03, 2000 02:44 PM
25 comments, last by Icarus 24 years, 3 months ago
I have noticed something strage on this board. People condemn warez, but support other illegal things such as mp3s and emulation. I want to understand why people think that emulation and mp3s are ok, but warezing is completely immoral. Any thoughts? -Andreas
Icarus, you''re a complete moron. MP3 is a compression format and
emulation is a type of technology to let games play on different
platforms (and has been proven legal in court). Duh.
Calling him a complete moron is a bit harsh isn't it? Just because he said something that was wrong doesn't mean that you can just call him names. GDNet staff, when are you going to get rid of anonymous posting so that people like mister AP will be forced to register?

Anyway, emulation isn't illegal. If you own the game, it's completely legal to have a rom on the computer.

When you say mp3s, I suppose you mean illegal mp3s ripped from CDs that were bought in a store? Not like this one, which is a completely legal mp3 which you can spread around to whoever you want That's me playing the guitar btw

/. Muzzafarath
Mad House Software

Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas? - Seen any good movies lately?

Edited by - Muzzafarath on June 3, 2000 4:25:54 PM
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
Hey Muzza~
That''s not bad at all! It''s original right? Are you in a band? What kinda guitar do you have? And hypothetically, if I have $400 to spend on an electric guitar, what kind should I get (I play acoustic right now, but I want an electric so I can play KoRn, etc.)? Thanx
When I say emulation, I mean people who download roms off the internet so they don't have to pay for them in the arcades, duh!

When I say mp3s, I mean the ones that are illegal and are transferred by people who are too cheap to buy the CDs. Duh. I am not talking about legal ones. Duh.

Man, I hate anonymous posters.


Edited by - Icarus on June 3, 2000 5:15:18 PM
A bit off topic, but I used to be a Heavy Rock Guitar Teacher and I can vouch that nobody makes good quality guitars at a good price better than Ibanez.
First time you play one you will think "hey what a f**kin flat neck" but you will never play another guitar again, they are awesome.
>> That''s not bad at all! It''s original right? Are you in a band? What kinda guitar do you have? And hypothetically, if I have $400 to spend on an electric guitar, what kind should I get (I play acoustic right now, but I want an electric so I can play KoRn, etc.)? Thanx <<

Thank you

Yep, the song is original. And yes I''m in a band. I''ve got a Fender Stratocaster right now, I sold my Gibson to buy it Worst choice I ever made. Anyway, I agree with Cliffski. Ibanez makes good guitars at a fair price, they''re a good choice.

/. Muzzafarath
Mad House Software

Qui est meus cervicas? - Where''s my soul?
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
quote: Original post by Icarus

When I say emulation, I mean people who download roms off the internet so they don't have to pay for them in the arcades, duh!

When I say mp3s, I mean the ones that are illegal and are transferred by people who are too cheap to buy the CDs. Duh. I am not talking about legal ones. Duh.

Man, I hate anonymous posters.


Edited by - Icarus on June 3, 2000 5:15:18 PM

Well, people can flame me if they want, but I really don't see any harm in old 8 bit NES emulators. Nintendo doesn't make a profit off those anymore anyway. I realize that is still considered illegal, but who is it hurting? I can understand why something like gameboy emulators allowing you to play Pokemon for free, and why that is a bad thing. It just seems like people should have the chance to go back and enjoy all those old games they never got to play, or don't have anymore since Nintendo doesn't make a profit off those old games anymore. Maybe Nintendo should have their own NES (and even SNES) emulator you can buy and a site where you can download the old roms for free? That would be a really cool idea. But I guess nobody would buy their emulator if you can just use one of the ones already available.

UNLESS they added something to the ROMs that made them ONLY playable with the emulator they offer. And you could only access the ROM site with the official emulator. They could have the emulator with a CD key deal and have it check for the CD ROM in the drive to curve pirating of their own emulator. This would pretty much eliminate most of the pirating that could occur with this. Anybody else think that's a cool as hell idea? You'd have a BUG FREE emulator with perfect ROMs that was legal! woo hoo! It could even have a built in Gameshark type feature that let you use all sorts of cheats if you wanted. AWESOME! I say we start the petition now!

Edited by - CheeseLord on June 4, 2000 10:45:24 AM
Ica the Rus, it''s exactly that kind of gross overgeneralisation that ticks me off a lot.

The people that condemn warez on these boards would flame you just as hard for getting illegal MP3s. And downloading a ROM and running it on an emulator is basically just another form of ware. You could download hacked Windows software and run it on Linux under Wine, and it would be the same thing.

Just calling those things "MP3s and Emulation" is flame bait, by any standard.
What if I go around posting questions like
"Why do we let Americans into the country?", and then a few post later I say "Oh but of COURSE I meant the mobster illegal bastard style dudes, wasn''t that obvious?"
No, it wasn''t obvious.

And by the way..
*rolls eyes*

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
As far as emulation goes , I think it is great . There are some obscure games (arcade/computer) which are hust not available anymore . The companies have gone out of business and there is no way to get in touch with them and obtain their games , Bagman , superbag man , Never forget me , Coolaid man , Sweet Spot , Dynamite Duke ......... Sometimes its good for a gamr developer to go retro for inspiration

There are only four types of men , RichMan , PoorMan , BeggarMan , Thief........
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

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