
Jerkyness in openGL

Started by April 30, 2003 12:15 AM
1 comment, last by Jumpman 21 years, 10 months ago
I''ve been playing with some of the NeHe''s tutorials and have noticed that openGl seems to be a little jerky when moving objects (or scrolling text).. Is this due to low refresh rates (I have a rather good system) or just part of openGl.. I''m just worried that doing a 2d platform game that the motion will not look as smooth as it could.. Cheers Chris
It could be due to improperly set up window when you create it in code.
However, if you''re just compiling NeHe''s tutorials and they''re jerky it is very likely to be a case of your refresh.

If you''re using recent detonator drivers (obviously on a nvidia card) get yourself rivaTuner (google it). It''s good at letting you defeat the inherent 60Hz problem in win2k and up.

If this doesn''t work, or you have an ati card, I suggest you spend a little time hacking a tutorial that you''re having trouble with and output the FPS to the screen. If it''s stuck at 60fps, or near enough that, then it''s a very strong indication of the problem being that of a refresh issue.

If the refresh is wobbling all over the place and getting over 60fps at certain parts of the scene, it''s could be something to do with your machine (something running in the background)...

Do you have trouble with other games that use oGL?
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
well I''m not really sure out of the current batch of games which are openGl or not (as Direct X has sort of catched up).

But out of my current games (freelance (DX), Flashpoint ??) there isn''t any problems.

I am running XP but if I have to hack my registry then so does everybody else which isn''t a good thing..

on visual pinball we used direct x and when I limited it to a fixed frame rate (instead of full bottle), then if it was under the refresh rate of my monitor it would be jerky..

but the openGl stuff (a simple NeHe example) (what I did was take his dialog code and scroll the text) then it seems to be running slower.. It dosn''t really matter if its full screen or not..


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