
Anyone Taking Cisco

Started by June 03, 2000 12:52 AM
4 comments, last by nes8bit 24 years, 9 months ago
I''m just wondering if anyone is taking Cisco classes and what you think of them. My cisco class is boring as hell, so I go here instead of the cisco page. ------------------------ Captured Reality.
I couldn''t take them as a freshman, but I was thinking of signing up my junior year. Maybe you''ve given me second thoughts.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Yeah, DON''T sign up, unless you can handle self-training. Basically, you sit in front of a computer, take notes on real paper, and take tests about every week. It''s a pain.

And I''m failing terribly

I should stay off the gamedev page during class though...but I''m not.

Captured Reality.
Nortel is offering courses in my school. Which is a highschool. They must be really desperate to offer classes to 16 year olds. And their real courses too, they count them as college courses. Has anybody heard anything about the nortel courses
I''m in highschool. Cisco is a class in my school. I can only assume that whatever Nortel is, they aren''t really desperate.

Captured Reality.
No wonder you''re an Avatar already!

But really, I''m in Cisco Acad too. (on the second semester)
I think if the teacher wasn''t as cool as he is I would have dropped the class.

Don''t you do labs or anything?

We just get the tests and find the answers the day before as homework then take the tests.

Anyways, to answer the question, I think the classes were VERY VERY VERY poorly designed, it''s obvious when the book doesn''t match up with the online curiculum which doesn''t match up with the teacher''s notes which doesn''t match up with the tests.

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