
Working across the 'net as a team

Started by June 02, 2000 05:05 PM
8 comments, last by r6an 24 years, 9 months ago
I''m currently having problems with getting my team together using the Internet. Any suggestions? "I code therefore I am" -Some programmer
"I code therefore I am" -Some programmer
Working on the net proposes some problems not found in conventional development. as bad as it sounds, you have to be authoritive with people in order to get things done. You have to be willing to let those that rarely contribute go from the project. At the same time, try to keep motivation up by letting everyone know how the project is coming along.
I agree, also net teams usually fizzle out so be careful. And be very strict about deadlines and such. I heard this somewhere: "The more crap you take, the more crap you''re gonna get."

Captured Reality.
I''m not to worried about my team, but I am worried about the way that we communicate. Any suggestions about tools and such (keep in mind that free is about all we can afford)

"I code therefore I am"
-Some programmer
"I code therefore I am" -Some programmer
#Gamedev chat is nice.
Yahoo chat is neat
ICQ can be fun...
Not AIM...if you don''t know, then don''t worry about it

Captured Reality.
There is a past featured article here on GDNet that deals with "virtual companies". I believe it''s in the Business section.


Admin for

Does anyone know where I could find a decent messageboard cgi/program?

"I code therefore I am"
-Some programmer
"I code therefore I am" -Some programmer
If you want something easy to set up, check out Matt''s Script Archives for a messageboard. It''s not a fancy one like this one but it works.

If you want to go through a little more hassle setting things up, download the free version of UltimateBB. It looks a lot like this messageboard and is a lot easier to use than the one you can get from Matt''s Script Archives.

/. Muzzafarath
Mad House Software

Machina improba! Vel mihi ede potum vel mihi redde nummos meos! - Stupid machine! Give me my soda or my change back!
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
Lots of negative comments here, but take heart. go here -\starlines (blatant plug)
This is a game me and one other guy wrote over a period of about a year. During that time we have met twice (physically) and maybe spoke on the phone half a dozen times. it IS possible to work that way, as long as you all have a good idea who is coding what and you do the groundwork code first. (coding half the game before switching from static arrays to a new Container class was a BIG mistake for us). However, it CAN be done. Good Luck.
Do not use ICQ! Especially since it is so exploitable, it has actually happened to me that someone had cloned my ICQ# and intercepted all messages to me for about 2 weeks. I had dropped off the face of the Earth for that time to the team, not a good thing for a project lead. Took me a while to realize, as it had worked for a week or so when I was online.

Right now, I''m doing strict email communiques, newsletters and progress updates. It all gets organized under my account and there''s actually less hassle.

Messageboards are good...just make sure no one runs off with the contents.
IRC is messy, trying to filter good stuff out of the logs.
ICQ, well ugh.
AIM, let''s not go there.
Email...bit more work...but worth it IMHO.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining

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