

Started by April 23, 2003 04:38 PM
1 comment, last by Erunama 21 years, 10 months ago
I noticed the SDK today, and I decided to take it for a spin. I am getting a bunch of errors when compiling, mostly coming out of olectl.h (included from image.h). It seems like most of the errors are coming from uses of undefined types. For example:
gives me an error,
263 C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\include\olectl.h
syntax error before `;'' 
And I have many, many similar errors, all originating from olectl.h I am compiling from Dev-C++. |.dev-c++.|.the gimp.|.seti@home.|.dbpoweramp.|.torn.|.=w=.|
VARIANT_BOOL is defined in wintypes.h, so I''m guessing your missing that header somewhere along the way.

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| - When it comes to programming, the most obvious answer is usually the wrong one - |
Thanks, it was ''wtypes.h'' for me (Dev-C++)

Now I am getting a few errors for using LPUNKNOWN

Where is that declared at?

|.dev-c++.|.the gimp.|.seti@home.|.dbpoweramp.|.torn.|.=w=.|

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