
Visual C++ and OpenGL

Started by April 23, 2003 12:26 PM
6 comments, last by WIlk 21 years, 10 months ago
After installing Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 my OpenGL drivers stopped responding. Any call to OpenGL functions results in an error. Can it be fixed somehow?
What sort of error?

Runtime error?
compile error?

Are you sure you''ve included the opengl libraries? Have you included the header files? Are you passing the right parameters to the gl functions? Have you tried running one of the nehe tutes to see if they work? Are you using the right function names even? (case sensitive)..

Make it easier for us to understand.
Well, maybe i wasn''t really specific enough.

After installing Microsoft Visual C++ EVERY application using OpenGL stopped working. The common error is "cannot create rendering context". My code (which worked before), NEHE''s codes, demos, commercial applications (games ect.) end up with this or similar message (or a blank screen). Uninstalling VC++ resolves the problem (everything gets back to normal) but that is no solution. Oh, i have Win2k.
Did you try reinstalling video card drivers after MSVC?

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Have you s''packed windows and msvs ?
That happened to me once and installing the latest version of DirectX solved the problem. I had 7.0a on my machine and installing 8 solved the problem.

No clue why - maybe Visual C++ corrupts or downgrades 1 or 2 of the OpenGL DLLs?

If you already have the latest DirectX version (not sure what it is), you may need to reinstall Windows. Fun undertaking huh?
I've tried reinstalling drivers and DX (9.0) before. It didn't help. Could it be a problem with environmental variables? Does OpenGL need any to run properly? Maybe some of them were screwed up by this stupid Microsoft thingy. I've heard that there is this "DEV=0" variable in Win98 "win.ini" file, which causes similar problems with OpenGL. Deleting it is supposed to help, but where is it in Win2k? Anyway, thanks.

Reinstalling Windows? Please, noooooooo.....

[edited by - Wilk on April 24, 2003 12:03:39 PM]
AFAIK OpenGL relies solely on opengl32.dll and glu32.dll
(These are in c:\windows\system in win98 but I don't know 2K).

Assuming there is no hardware, driver or OS problem (large assumption) then the problem would be there.

Perhaps, as mentioned above, MSVC is corrupting these with older versions designed before 2K (distinct possibility).

Have you tried copying these files then installing MSVC then replacing them?

Geocyte Has Committed Suicide.

[edited by - geocyte on April 24, 2003 12:36:01 PM]
Geocyte Has Committed Suicide.

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