
Forget Broadband - Getting a plain modem to work

Started by April 23, 2003 06:42 AM
8 comments, last by Xgkkp 21 years, 4 months ago
Well, I''m back at uni now so no more broadband Now I have it installed finally, I can''t get my modem to work, or find information on the net on how to (maybe I just don''t know how to use it). The only thing i could find was an old document on the red hat website (which refers to redhat5, and tools that don''t seem to exist on my system, found here). I typed "cat /proc/pci" and my modem does show on the list, but when I try and find modems in the net manager thing it says it cannot find any modems on my computer. Anyone got any idea how I can get this essential piece of kit working ? my linux is pretty much useless without it for my learning purposes. Thanks a lot, Xgkkp
maybe you will find this tutorial on setting up your modem useful: Link

P.S. Full Guide here: Link
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wolw im learning alot about my computer and linux with this installing linux ! It turns out i act6ually have a winmodem but I've found some things that look like they might work...

Thanks for that full guide link by the way, looks like it'sll be useful!

[edited by - Xgkkp on April 23, 2003 9:29:18 AM]
quote: Original post by Xgkkp
Well, I''m back at uni now so no more broadband Now I have it installed finally, I can''t get my modem to work, or find information on the net on how to (maybe I just don''t know how to use it).

The only thing i could find was an old document on the red hat website (which refers to redhat5, and tools that don''t seem to exist on my system, found here). I typed "cat /proc/pci" and my modem does show on the list, but when I try and find modems in the net manager thing it says it cannot find any modems on my computer.

Anyone got any idea how I can get this essential piece of kit working ? my linux is pretty much useless without it for my learning purposes.

Thanks a lot, Xgkkp

What brand of modem do you have, is it a WINmodem? if so, you might encounter some problems as they aren''t completely supported by Linux yet, except for a select few at the moment. Then again, maybe that''s changed in the last couple of months. Other than that, if the proper drivers aren''t compiled in the kernel, you might have to either recompile the kernel to include those drivers or insmod the driver, if it was compiled as a module.

[Cyberdrek | the last true sorcerer | Spirit Mage -][ Administrator]
[Cyberdrek | ]
HOO-RAY!!!!! I am now posting this from Linux!!!!!!! I found some winmodem drivers for my modem, I have no idea how they worked, and it seems to be a bit dodgy on network connections, but it works!!!!
Okay, now I have just one more problem. Firstly, I can''t see how to connect or disconnect without going into network configuration (Which requires root password)

and secondly, Is there a way I can get some visible indication that it is connected? Like on windows, the network icon in the system tray.

Thanks a lot, everyone, by the way. I''m sure Im driving you insane with my Newbie-new linux questions
try kppp or gppp, depending on if you''re using gnome or KDE. If you''re using something else (which I doubt) look into vppp. gppp and kppp have little icons like their windows counterpart IIRC.
Am I the only one that finds it interesting that he HAD broadband until he went BACK to his University? My home doesn''t have broadband and probably won''t for a long time, due to it''s "podunk" nature. But I can also count on a fast connection at a university.
Well, I managed to persude my parents to get broadband for the easter holidays, All I have in my Uni room is a stupid slow, crappy isp. And it really is a bad isp. I''ll try those programs.....
Anyway, gppp looks to be an old piece of software not being updated any more... surely there is a way for users other than root to dial an internet modem connection????

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