
Extensions and drivers...

Started by April 22, 2003 05:34 PM
9 comments, last by n00dles 21 years, 10 months ago
Hi all, I am just after a bit of advice on my video card setup. If I run tutorial 24 that shows all the extensions I only get the following: Renderer GDI Generic Vendor M$ Corporation Version 1.1.0 ---------------------- 1 GL_WIN_swap_hint 2 GL_EXT_bgra 3 GL_EXT_palleted_texture This list seems awfully limited to me. My computer believes my card is "ATI Technologies Inc. Rage 128 GL AGP" I think however this was the closest match it could find. The box I have says the card is a "Wonder 5000-3D Accelerator" from a company called jetway, which I presume is one of those cards made as a cheap replacement for the expensive ones? It uses all the right words on the box though, such as TNT2, VANTA. It also reckons it has optimized open gl acceleration. I recently downloaded and attempted to install the nvidia display driver here: but windows couldnt find a compatible match with anything there. Any advice for me out there? Thanks noodles PS This site is superb...nice one Nehe
Why do you want to downloads drivers from nVidia when your card is an ATi ?

Try here:
Belive windows :D it knows it''s stuff.


Thanks, I will check that site out.

I had EXACTLY the same problem with an nVidia card (GF2 Pro). I reinstalled the drivers and now all works fine again


Times change...

Excuse my poor english!
PM Times change... Excuse my poor english!
Ok I downloaded the latest ATI drivers but they refused to install. I did a windows update to get windows best choice for my display adapter but it only found the same one that is already installed. The main problem I am having with all of this is that I need to get shadows on a 3D fractal landscape I have created. No shadows appar when I use the shadow tutorial 27. I will have to find another way to do this now.

I have another card in another machine I might steal so all is not lost.

if it says your card is a TNT2 on the box, it''s an nvidia card. The TNT2 is the chipset that different companies make the card around.

btw, if you ever see Vendor: MS Corporation, you''re running in software mode. That''s why the extensions are limited.
Rage 128 = ATI
Riva 128 = NVIDIA
You say the box you have says Wonder........

Well the Wonder cards are ATi too, so there''s no doubt that you''ve got an ATi card there.
You just need to get the correct drivers for the card.

I don''t know ATi at all, but if they''re anything like nvidia (don''t hurt me for saying that, it''s a saying ) then they''ll have a driver installation for all of their cards.

Otherwise I suggest you take a look at the card itself inside your machine and look for the chipset ID or device ID which will be printed on the silicon somewhere.

Then either google the ID or look it up on the ati site.
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
Juicy...thanks for the helpful advice. I will have a look at the card and see if I can find the appropriate driver for it!

I seem to have found my card on the net and I am just about to download the driver for it.

If claims it is this:

NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 M64 Chipset With 16M/32MB SDRAM

Hopefully this will work...hopefully.

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