Hello folks. I'm just here to show off because I have finished my 'virtual television' which can show AVI files on a rotatable TV screen with sound or even live TV pictures (not as good). So thanks to NeHe for inspiring the code and to the person who showed me how to do the sound. You can see a picture of it on my website at
www.filmclubuk.com and click on
news. (What do you think of the cover by the way?)

The key to fast manipulation of bitmaps (which after all a decompressed AVI is just a lot of bitmaps stuck together) was the function:
CreateDIBSection (hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&data), NULL, NULL);
which lets you manipulate each byte independently (e.g. data[34*3+1]=255.)
Here are some questions I still don't understand:
A. Using C++ instead of Win32 functions how would I get a pointer to &data from a DIB?
B. Why is GetPixel and SetPixel so slow, comparitively speaking?
C. How can I make it even better? Maybe I should make a shiney TV with environment mapping? Or what about a background? Any suggestions?
[edited by - paulbird on April 22, 2003 2:46:22 PM]