does anyone know of a program that...
does anyone know of a program that...can take a bitmap file (.bmp) and split up each 32x32 pixles into seperate bitmaps? i only ask because i have a bitmap file will all of my tiles in it...and i want to save them to seperate files so that i can use them in my game without using BitBlockTansfer. I remember seeing a program like this a long time i know that they exist.
whats a signature?
whats a signature?
#include "Bitmap.h"void main(){ Bitmap *mb; Bitmap **list; MakeBitmap(&mb); LoadBitmap(mb,LB_ASK_USER_FOR_FILE_NAME); BreakUpBitmap(mb,list,32,32); SaveAllFragments(list); DestroyBitmap(mb);}
sorr, that was just a joke
i dunno of any programs that does that
- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
thanks, youve beena big help. ;[ does anyone REALLY know of a program like explained in my above post?
whats a signature?
whats a signature?
You could use bitblt for GDI or you could use blt or bltfast for directx or you could actually read the file. I can give you the format if you want it.
Captured Reality.
Captured Reality.
i think he just wants a ready to use program to do this for him.
maybe he thinks he''s too good to do this kinda things
just kidding
- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
maybe he thinks he''s too good to do this kinda things

- pouya
The trick to flight is to throw yourself at the ground and miss!!!
you can do it with photopaint , i guess...
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
I usually make all of my tiles as seperate bitmap files stored into a resource file. Why put all tiles into one single bitmap if you''re going to have to split them up anyway? If you can''t find a program, you''ll have to cut and paste in photo shop.
I know how to develop a routine that could do what you desctribe in VB, but I don''t know what language you are using. Actually, it would be very simple in VB if you know how to use the BitBlt API. Get "Mastering Visual Basic 6" by Evangelos Petroutsos. Its a really good book and covers a lot of different topics most books don''t.
heh, heh. no, you dont see my point. i got my tilesets from someone else who put them all in one bmp file...i dont want to have to sit there and copy and paste 100 or so tiles and save them...thats the point of having a program that could do that for me.
whats a signature?
whats a signature?
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