
I´m afraid...

Started by June 01, 2000 12:33 PM
13 comments, last by The Alchemist 24 years, 9 months ago
well i found this page that teach how change your saturn nacionality i don´t know how make links) and i´m want to do that but i´m afraid to do that since the inside of the saturn looks more like a maze and i´m afraid damage somenthing iside or even don´t can put all pieces in the right place , and the explanation of those site ins´t very precise, so is anyone that know a more precise page( somenthing like "change your saturn nacionality for dummies"), please i want play japanese titles!!!!!! -in fact i already make a better sig but i´m afraid that it is illegal...
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"

That adress isn''t working... e cara, tu escreve inglês MUITO mal, hehehe just kidding



"When everything goes well, something will go wrong." - Murphy
Nicodemus.----"When everything goes well, something will go wrong." - Murphy
vc so fala isso pq voce nao me viu falando ingles...
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
sorry i put a wrong "u" in the adress, here goes the right one

but looks that it is off-line, becouse my bookmark don´t work too.
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
do this [href = ""]Tag for text here

Now replace the "[" and "]" with greater and less than symbols. Another way is to modify my post and look at my signature.

Captured Reality.
like this?

Edited by - The Alchemist on June 3, 2000 5:17:44 PM
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"
Obviously, nes8bit, you don't know html.
The proper form is <A HREF=""></A>. You missed the A's and the clickable text.

"YOU APES WANNA LIVE FOREVER?" Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein
"Who wants to live forever?" Queen
"Never trust a bald barber" me

Edited by - webspynner_99 on June 3, 2000 7:22:22 PM
well whatever. I don''t know html. I''m too lazy to learn it. Instead, I use Front Page Express.

Captured Reality.
VB AND FRONTPAGE?? What''s this world coming to? (j/k)

"I code therefore I am"
-Some programmer
Old threads don't die, they just go to the bottom of the list
"I code therefore I am" -Some programmer
I tried to work with Frontpage once. I decided it''d just be easier to write the HTML myself.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."

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