
camera Probs!?

Started by April 21, 2003 06:22 PM
0 comments, last by TheProx 21 years, 10 months ago
Thanks all the people that helped me even get it written, Riptorn esp. A few others helped too, but I can''t remember your names... But, now whenever I put all my matrices together to move/rotate the cam, it gets all screwy. when I do rotations first, movement doesnt work correctly. When I do translations first, rotations doesnt work! Is there like a certain order to rotate and translate the camera with?? Out - The Prox ------------------- Remember: No shortcuts... They may be faster, but someday you will be penalized.
NARF - Pinky and the Brain
Hey, maybe you guys just don''t care or what ever, but for those who don''t understand what I am saying, i first rotate along the x, y, then z. then mult along vector/translate needed to move. It works, no doubt, just...not right.

When you do rot then trans it moves like it should...I''m a retard, this just all made sense, and I really dont need to click reply, but I am going to anyway...

The Prox -
Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source.
=Ron Nesen
Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
=Oscar Wilde
NARF - Pinky and the Brain

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