
Getting Broadband to work on Linux?

Started by April 20, 2003 12:09 PM
9 comments, last by Xgkkp 21 years, 4 months ago
WEll, I just Downlaoded Red Hat 9, for my first Forage into home Linuxing! (Used Unix at Uni) I am just wondering If I am going to be able to get my Freeserve Broadband connection working with it, I guess It would mostly be modem support but I don''t have a clue about how to find these things out . My system lists it as "Copperjet Adsl modem".
I believe it varies depending on how you connect, i.e. dynamic IP etc. If you have DHCP enabled, like I do, you can simply run something like dhcpcd as root.
If you have an ADSL-connection, you should check out rp-pppoe. I use this package to connect to my DSL-provider.

[edited by - Erluk on April 21, 2003 7:26:47 AM]
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Odds are someone has already done it.

Try a google search for your ISP name and Red Hat Linux. Even if it''s for 8.0 (doubt you''ll find 9.0 howto) it should be about the same.

I don''t know if this will be any use to you but,,,

I have broadband coming into a winme PC and i networked a redhat pc to it and redhat configured itself to share the internet connection. As soon as redhat had finished installing the internet was available. Allthough i still havn''t worked out if it possible to share drives.

quote: Original post by DefCom
Allthough i still havn''t worked out if it possible to share drives.

You mean Windows file sharing? Run a Samba client to access files, run a Samba server to share files. Red Hat probably has it mostly setup if you installed correctly. If you''re using the GNOME desktop, try the "Network Servers" and then "Network Neighborhood" icons for a Samba client. To setup a Samba server, look for a filesharing or daemon/service configuration utility in the menu.

heh, thanks a lot, I''ll try this stuff as soon as I get itme to install it.. (too much uni work)!
Well, not sure about ADSL but I''ll assume that it interfaces much like a cable modem. I have cable broadband connection working under Linux. One thing to do is make sure you are connecting through a Ethernet LAN. I''ve tried broadband by connecting through a router(Dedicated, not a full PC, just a small $30 box) and directly to my PC through a ethernet card. If you can get a ethernet LAN working then broadband should be very simple. First get the driver for your ethernet card loaded(Mine is tulip and is very well supported) and most distro will detect this automatically and call ''ifconfig eth0 up'' in the init scripts. And if you use DHCP then you simply need to run dhcpcd eth0(Most distros have this in the init scripts). I''ve setup a Mandrake system on a broadband LAN and it pretty much autodetected everything and I''d assume that RedHat''s hardware discovery has the same abilities. There was only one problem I ran into. If you haven''t already activated and used your account then some ISPs use some ridiculous activate scheme where they only think you''ll be using windows. If your ISP is anything like mine then they won''t give you the connection info and expect you to let the software set everything up. Mine had a browser activation interface to greet you which was broken. I had to call my ISP to get the activation proxy address but even then the &#106avascript wouldn''t work so my ISP(Luckily the person I talked to had a boyfriend who used RedHat) had to setup the account on their systems and it worked great.

Sorry if a bit lenthy, hope it works out for you.
I run my dsl through a broand band router. They are cheap , I got mine for $24.99 and it has a built in dhcp server,print server, firewall, and can support up to 200 computers.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Broadband Router? where did you get that from, and does it support usb? because the modem itself is usb, and I want to set up a server at home on broadband, partly to shar emy family''s computers connections, partly so I can still tell it to downlaod remotely

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