
what is gimbal lock?

Started by April 20, 2003 09:49 AM
5 comments, last by joma 21 years, 10 months ago
Could someone give me some example, or point me to some article or something? I know that gimbal lock is one of the main reasons that someone should use quaternions and I have read many quaternions tuts, but I cannot understand why the extra effort. I want some examples...... wherever we ride it''''s metal we bring
wherever we ride it''s metal we bring
I found this page which seems to explain it. Thing is though, I tend to use Euler method and I''ve never experienced it. I think it has something to do with the order each axis-rotation is done.

I''m going to get to a quaternion library eventually though, as really you only need to make the effort once to have code that can be reused again and again.
You might also want to look at the math & physics forum FAQ, it will tell you all you need to know about euler angles and gimbal lock...

Gimbal lock will only occur when using all three axes of rotation. When using yaw, pitch, and roll...

As long as you restrict the movement of the "camera" on a specific axis, you won''t experience gimbal lock. Restricting rotation on an axis works perfect for FPS''s with euler angles, as these do not permit complete rotation around when looking "up" for instance.

I believe this is how it works - in my mind anyway As my mind is a lonley place, please feel free to correct me
The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.
original post by: mr_dejao

As long as you restrict the movement of the "camera" on a specific axis, you won''t experience gimbal lock. Restricting rotation on an axis works perfect for FPS''s with euler angles, as these do not permit complete rotation around when looking "up" for instance.

I believe this is how it works - in my mind anyway As my mind is a lonley place, please feel free to correct me

that''s as correct as it gets , in case you had any doubts...
thank you guys, that was very helpful. Generally I had no difficulty with quaternions. As I have said, Ive read some tuts, and I have implemented my own quaternion class so I can make any transform I want. The gimbal lock thing was my only question and now I am sutisfied. Thanks again!

wherever we ride it''''s metal we bring
wherever we ride it''s metal we bring

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