
We're still alive ;)

Started by April 19, 2003 09:48 PM
24 comments, last by Doener 21 years, 10 months ago
mrbugg... it was probably 1am when I made the post

My time is MST.

COMMENT: The site is dying and will soon be gone, just like others have vanished in the past.

If the site is comming to an end then we will make such and end as to be worthy of rememberance
Original post by llvllatrix

COMMENT: The site is dying and will soon be gone, just like others have vanished in the past.

If the site is comming to an end then we will make such and end as to be worthy of rememberance

You really are a big LOTR fan, aren''t you? Well, me too

You know, nehe, you should consider adding advanced tutorials, like tutorials on optimization. Vertex buffers and other extensions, etc. And why/when to use them, not just the code.

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i''m here as well, nearly daily, reading your stuff, browsing the forums. i don''t give feedback to you, nehe, i hate mailing. :D

but i like it very much and read about all. checking the tutorials, etc.

hope to see you staying alive as well:D

"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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I check out GDNet, NeHe and a few other sites every day, I don''t program in OGL though ( I don''t program at all at the moment, but when I do, it''s DX ), I enjoy checking out the demos and stuff. This would probably be a valid excuse for me not mailing feedback, I haven''t actually read any of the tuts through I think it''s a great job running sites like these, and I admire the admins patience a lot.

About the dropping visitors count, has it been like that for long, because I''ve only seen it go below 100 the last few days ( Easter holiday )? As a side note to this, the day my little news item got posted on NeHe, I got 400+ visitors ( normally 5-20 ), one of those sent me a mail, so I understand the frustration of not getting feedback I usually have to bully someone I know to try stuff and give me input, but then I''m not sure if it''s an honest opinion.. Well, if anyone got a nice suggestion on how to solve this problem, I would be interested to hear it
yeah, not getting feedback from visitors is the worst a webmaster could suffer....

perhaps a contest on tutorial writing? everyone that wants to join will write a tutorial they think should be added to nehe''s tutorial on their own. then only the best tutorial for each topic will be included (i guess this will help adding a lot of tutorials in nehe''s site in one shot?)?

dunno, just an idea...

nomad | nomad forum

I am new to OGL and just checkin out some of the tutorials. I like the stuff I see!

Anyway, while we are all shooting off ideas, how bout a command list somewhere, that includes most the syntax for simple commands (glVertex3f(x,y,z), glLoadIdentity();, etc.) for us who at 2 am have no comprehension of reality but like to still program

talk to yall later

- Janson

Im me!
------------------------- Im me! :)
Original post by Janson0
Anyway, while we are all shooting off ideas, how bout a command list somewhere, that includes most the syntax for simple commands (glVertex3f(x,y,z), glLoadIdentity();, etc.) for us who at 2 am have no comprehension of reality but like to still program

Bust out some Ritalin and read this:

Your reference material:

Interests: my money-pit car, computer hardware/programming, anything 3D'93 RX-7
About the no feedback thingy .......

I ussually don't send e-mails, because it means going to another web page, loggin into my account, pressing compose, putting in the e-mail adress, then I realize I have a ton of junkmail I have to clean up .... BASICALLY ITS THE LAZINESS

SOLUTION: Add and automated java script to Nehe's website that sends e-mail to him. You just type your message, your name and press send. I think this would simplify things a lot and I think you can easily find ready java code on the net.

Just an Idea

[edited by - snisarenko on April 21, 2003 6:24:26 PM]

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